Workshop on 2010 Convention on Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS)


The transport of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) by sea is a vital trade. Chemicals and other products underpin many manufacturing processes and IMO regulations ensure their safe transport.

However, incidents do happen - and the HNS Convention is the last piece in the puzzle needed to ensure that those who have suffered damage have access to a comprehensive and international liability and compensation regime.

The current HNS Convention was adopted in 2010, amending a previous instrument that had been adopted in 1996. However, the 2010 HNS Convention has still not entered into force; States must ratify it before this can happen.


An IMO Workshop on the 2010 HNS Convention was held to assist Member States in their work towards further ratifications of the 2010 HNS Protocol. It was was aimed at representatives of States considering ratifying the 2010 HNS Protocol. Participation was open to all Member Governments, IGOs and NGOs in consultative status with IMO which have pertinent expertise. Participation by policy and decision-makers with respect to the ratification of the 2010 HNS Protocol was particularly encouraged.

Read a summary of the Workshop here

See photographs of the event here

Date: 3-4 April 2023

Location: IMO Headquarters and hybrid


Day one Monday 3 April 2023

Session 1 - Introduction to the HNS Convention

Session 2 – Examples in Domestic Implementation

Session 3 – HNS Incidents: Risks and Claims

Session 4 – Industry Views

Session 5 – Summary

Day two Tuesday 4 April 2023

Session 6 – HNS Reporting Requirements

Regional breakout groups

Session 7 – Future Implementation of HNS Convention

Closing - Closing Remarks

  • Key takeaways from workshop

  • Next steps on implementation

  • Next steps once entry into force is triggered

Please see the full programme here

For more detail, please see the Circular Letter No.4620/Rev.1 

The HNS Convention

HNS covered by the Convention include: oils; other liquid substances defined as noxious or dangerous; liquefied gases; liquid substances with a flashpoint not exceeding 60˚C; dangerous, hazardous and harmful materials and substances carried in packaged form or in containers; and solid bulk materials defined as possessing chemical hazards.

The HNS Convention establishes the principle that the ‘polluter pays’ by ensuring that the shipping and HNS industries provide compensation for those who have suffered loss or damage resulting from an HNS incident.

The shipping, oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical and other HNS industries are committed to paying such compensation through an international system, and the HNS Convention provides the framework just such a system. The HNS Convention benefits all State Parties (producing, receiving and coastal States) by establishing a system of strict liability and clear claims criteria.

Read more about the HNS Convention here