Documents and Resources

IMODocs is the IMO document repository with documents in the six languages of the Organization.


In English, French and Spanish

  • All IMO documents and reports
  • Assembly resolutions
  • All Council documents
  • All Conference documents
  • All Circulars and Circular Letters

In Arabic, Chinese and Russian

  • Committee reports
  • Assembly resolutions
  • Council decisions
  • Conferences Final Acts

To access IMODocs you will need to register with a name and password. Click here for IMODOCS.

Please refer to for the following contact points:

  • Annex 1 - Flag State contact points for PSC matters, Casualty investigation services and Ships' inspection services (including Secretariats of Memoranda of Understanding on Port State Control)
  • Annex 2 - List of national operational contact points responsible for the receipt, transmission and processing of urgent reports on incidents involving harmful substances, including oil from ships to coastal states
  • Contact address of Bulk Chemicals