Regional Roundtable on improving the availability of maritime transport costs data


A regional roundtable was held in Suva, Fiji (15-16 February) to discuss the collection of maritime transport costs data at the national level and the sharing of lessons learned. The event brought together 31 stakeholders and focal points from Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The forum was a collaboration between IMO, the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre (MTCC-Pacific), with funding from IMO’s Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP).  

The roundtable was part of IMO's efforts to support Pacific SIDS advance towards low-carbon shipping and underscores the role of South-South Cooperation in providing replicable solutions to challenges faced by IMO Member States in other regions.

Programme and presentations

Please find the programme below or download the programme here

Day 1 - Wednesday 15 February 2023


1. Administrative Remarks. Ms Ore Toua, MTCC Pacific

2. Opening Prayer. Country Representative

3. Welcome Address. Mr Camille Bourgeon, IMO

4. Welcome Remarks. Mr Omirete Tabureka, SPC

5. Introductions.


6. Ms Aideé Saucedo Dávila, IMO. Presentation and discussion on the IMO impact assessment process


7. Mr Onno Hoffmeister, UNCTAD. UNCTAD's perspectives on maritime transport costs, with a focus on Pacific SIDS


8. Ms Amelia Bola, MTCC Pacific. Presentation of the Project on improving the availability of maritime transport costs data in the Pacific region (including lessons learned). 


9. Talanoa on the collection of maritime transport cost data at the national level (who, what, when, where, why, how of country data collection). Participating countries, facilitated by MTCC Pacific/ MTCC-Pacific Consultant

12.00-13.00 Lunch


10. Talanoa session continued. Participating countries, facilitated by MTCC Pacific/ MTCC-Pacific Consultant

14.30-14.45 Afternoon Break


11. Mr Dennis Grofils, SP. Retention, Confidentiality, Security, Storage Capacity with Pacific Commodity Trade Database (PACOMTRADE)


Wrap Up of Day 1 of the Regional Roundtable. MTCC-Pacific Consultant

Day 2 - Thursday 16 February 2023


12. Wrap-up from day 1, Q&A IMO, MTCC-Pacific Consultant


13. MTCC-Pacific Consultant, UNCTAD. Develop concrete recommendations on how to address existing structural data gaps, with a view to allowing a more standardized approach for the assessment of impacts of future GHG reduction measures on Pacific SIDS


14. Discussion on the extension of the project. IMO, MTCC-Pacific, UNCTAD

12.30-14.00 Lunch break


15. Ms Aideé Saucedo Dávila, IMO. Update on IMO action on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships


16. Perspectives from the Pacific region on elements and definition of a just and equitable transition in the context of international shipping. All participants, facilitated by Ms Aideé Saucedo Dávila, IMO.


17. Next steps. MTCC-Pacific, IMO


Closure of the Regional roundtable