IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023

IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023

Opening Remarks by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim at the 3rd Innovation Forum

on World Maritime Day 28 September 2023

Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening - to all of you who have joined us from around the world for this significant event.

Happy World Maritime Day!

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Innovation Forum 2023, organized in joint partnership between IMO and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) generously supported by the Government of Norway.

At the outset, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Government of Norway for their steadfast support of the Innovation Forum since its inception in 2021.

Honourable State Secretary Ragnhild Sjoner Syrstad and Your Excellency Ambassador Tore Hattrem, your Government's continuous funding of this Forum and other IMO projects underscores Norway's leadership in the maritime sector.

I also wish to thank UNEP for its cooperation with IMO on important initiatives that benefit the international maritime community. We share a joint commitment to tackle the triple planetary crisis: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.

This year's Innovation Forum aligns closely with the World Maritime theme 2023: "MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on", reflecting the importance of this Convention. Over the past five decades, the MARPOL treaty has evolved to address new challenges related to marine environment protection and to climate change.

In July of this year, IMO unanimously adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, marking a pivotal moment. IMO Member States agreed on a clear pathway towards achieving net-zero GHG emissions by or around, i.e., close to 2050.

This ambitious goal emphasizes the need for a just and equitable transition and provides the certainty necessary to drive investment in technological and fuel innovations in the shipping industry.

This year's IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum is therefore taking place at an opportune juncture. I hope that your discussions will identify cutting-edge solutions, promote further cooperation and facilitate the exchange of best practices.

The transition towards decarbonization in maritime has to be just and equitable. Developing countries, in particular Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) must be on board the energy transition. Addressing their capacity-building, technology and infrastructure needs is imperative.

In this context, I am proud that IMO is implementing a portfolio of projects, of around 100 million US dollar, to support decarbonization and sustainability in maritime, in collaboration with donor countries and partners, including our UN partners.

I am very pleased that, today, IMO and the Government of Norway will be signing a new partnership agreement to ensure the continuation and expansion of IMO's flagship project, GreenVoyage2050 Project, aimed at addressing GHG emissions from ships.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Government of Norway, for their generous financial support of the second Phase of GreenVoyage2050, which will run up to December 2030.

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Throughout today's sessions, you will hear from prominent speakers and experts about emerging models to enhance environmental performance in maritime transport. I thank all speakers and panellists for sharing their expertise and insights.

I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this event, whether you joined us in person or virtually.

I am confident that with a collaborative spirit and increased inclusivity, we will find solutions that further support the decarbonization journey and promote inclusive innovation, leaving no one behind.

I am certain that knowledge sharing and transfer in today's Innovation Forum will contribute towards steering global shipping towards a greener, more sustainable and decarbonized future.

I wish you all fruitful discussions.

Thank you.