L’Institut Portuaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (IPER) and the International Maritime Safety Security and Environment Academy (IMSSEA)

L'Institut Portuaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (IPER)

A 5-week "Advanced Course on Port Operations and Management" has been in place since 1986, and is delivered once a year in Le Havre, France, by IPER, in collaboration with the Grand Port Maritime du Havre.  

The course, which was originally established at the request of IMO in conjunction with the Government of France, is designed to assist developing countries in improving port management and operational efficiency through a series of lectures and on-site activities.  It provides a forum discussion and knowledge transfer on port management by reviewing the different aspects of port functionality, the implications of emerging technical issues and the implementation of relevant IMO conventions.  The course, which also includes field visits to ports, is designed for senior port managers and is conducted in both English and French.  

Website: https://www.em-normandie.com/fr/liper-institut-portuaire-denseignement-et-de-recherche

International Maritime Safety Security and Environment Academy (IMSSEA)

Within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding between IMO and the Government of Italy signed in May 2009, IMO provides limited fellowship support, to the extent that resources permit, to participants from developing countries to undertake short training courses in maritime subjects relating to safety, security and marine environment protection delivered at IMSSEA. The objective of the fellowships is to assist developing countries in their endeavours to develop their own human resources and strengthen their national and regional capacities to comply with IMO international rules and standards.

The courses, which are conducted in English, are based, primarily, on IMO model courses. Currently, IMO provides fellowships for the following courses:

  • Flag State Implementation
  • Port State Control
  • ISPS Code
  • Marine Accident Investigation Procedures

Website: http://www.imssea.org/home/

IMO fellowships for IPER and IMSSEA courses

Detailed information on the IPER and IMSSEA courses and fellowships offered by IMO is circulated to IMO Member States every year through an IMO Circular Letter.