Legal Committee (LEG 111) - Closing remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 26 April, 2024

Madam Chair, distinguished delegates, 

We have come to the end of the 111th session of the Legal Committee and I would like to acknowledge a few important matters that have been addressed this week.

The well-being of seafarers continues to be of great concern to me and to the entire Membership of the Organization. Therefore, I am very pleased that you have finalized the guidelines on fair treatment of seafarers detained on suspicion of committing crimes, which is ready to be presented to the IMO-ILO Joint Tripartite Working Group. The Guidelines will add a significant value in resolving the challenges faced by seafarers and ensure that seafarers are treated fairly. Your Committee demonstrated its continuous commitment to addressing the issue of the abandonment of seafarers, which we must all seek to eliminate. 

The Committee also addressed issues related to fraudulent ship registration and registries, as well as the threats they pose by identifying concrete measures that will be further considered. Enhancing the ship registration system for the benefit of safety protection of the marine environment and the well-being of seafarers, thereby eliminating cases of fraudulent registration, is of paramount importance. You have taken the first steps in the development of a new output on guidelines or best practices for the registration of ships to ensure it is modern, effective and transparent. 

Concerning liability limits, you finalized the methodologies to transparently assess the need to amend liability limits as well as the Guidelines for accepting insurance companies, financial security providers and the International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations, and the pamphlet on the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea.

I would like to thank your Chair for her leadership during this session. Despite facing challenging issues, you have demonstrated excellent leadership in guiding the Committee’s affairs effectively.

My thanks also go to the Chairs of the working groups, Ms. Christina Tzalavra, of Greece and Mr. Jonathan Warring, of ITF who ensured the successful outcome of their respective groups. 

As always, this is also an opportune moment to express our gratitude to those delegates and experts who are leaving and concluding their tenure with us and for whom this marks the final session of the Committee. We wish them all the best for their future endeavours.

I am grateful for the efforts of the Legal Affairs and External Relations Division, who led the preparations for this meeting, for the dedication of all the staff of the Secretariat, who work tirelessly to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations. I hope this is recognized by all delegations.

I also take this opportunity to express my thanks to the interpreters, who once again have facilitated our seamless communication during our meeting. 

I wish you all a restful weekend, and a safe journey to your respective destinations.

Thank you.
