Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81) - Closing remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 22 March, 2024

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates,

We have come to the end of the eighty-first session of MEPC, and you have made progress on a number of important issues. 

In particular, I would like to highlight the adoption of the 2024 Guidelines on life cycle GHG intensity of marine fuels, and your agreement, in principle, to establish a GESAMP Working Group to review related scientific and technical issues.  

Furthermore, you endorsed the way forward on the further development of the basket of candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures by agreeing to an illustration of a possible outline of the ‘IMO net-zero framework’, which could be used as a starting point for consolidating the different proposals into a possible common structure for further development.  

You also agreed to hold a two-day expert workshop to facilitate the understanding of the preliminary findings of the comprehensive impact assessment. 

Your Committee is indeed a forum to consider issues of critical relevance for all parts of the marine environment, and this week you also made very important progress on many other issues that will undoubtedly contribute to improving the protection of the oceans. I would like to highlight in particular the following: 

  • You approved Recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers, as prepared by PPR 11;
  • You approved proposals to designate ECAs for the Canadian Arctic waters and the Norwegian Sea; and
  • On Ballast Water Management, you endorsed the list of provisions and instruments for revision and/or development under the Convention and approved the Interim guidance on the application of the BWM Convention to ships operating in challenging water quality conditions as well as the Guidance for the temporary storage of treated sewage and/or grey water in ballast water tanks.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to you, Mr. Chair, for guiding and steering the Committee through this week’s deliberations. I know from experience what a challenging – but also rewarding – task this is, and I thank you for once again delivering to the highest standards. 

I would also like to thank your able Vice-Chair, Mr. Hanqiang Tan of Singapore, for his unwavering support to you and the Committee.   

My sincere appreciation also go to the Chairs of the Working, Drafting, Technical and Review groups convened during this session. The quality of the work of the chairs and the participants stood out and were reflected by just how quickly the reports were adopted. I would like to thank:

  • Mr. Kohei Iwaki of Japan; 
  • Mr. Sveinung Oftedal of Norway;
  • Mr. Chakir El Aissaoui of Morocco; 
  • Ms. Norma Munguia Aldaraca of Mexico; and
  • Ms. Sarah Bailey of Canada. 

I am grateful for the efforts of the Marine Environment Division who led the preparations for this meeting and also last week’s meeting ( ISWG-GHG 16), and for the dedication of all the staff of the Secretariat, who work tirelessly to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations. I also take this opportunity to express my thanks to the interpreters, who once again have facilitated our seamless communication during our meeting.

I wish you all a restful weekend, and with MEPC 82 scheduled for late September, I look forward to seeing you all again soon. I hope that we can continue working as efficiently as we have been this week.

Thank you.
