Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 11) - Closing remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 23 February 2024

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates,

As we conclude yet another demanding session of the Subcommittee and in the interest of time, I will highlight some of the most important outcomes of your work at this week. 

With regard to plastic pellets, the Subcommittee has finalized:

  1. draft recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers, which are a significant step in achieving our common aim of eliminating ship-source pellet spills;
  2. you also had an extensive initial exchange on an appropriate mandatory mechanism, and I look forward to further proposals on the current options and encourage you to engage between sessions on the subject, taking into account lessons learned from the application of the voluntary measures.

In relation to control of emission of Nitrogen Oxides, you finalized: 

  1. draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code 2008 on the use of multiple engine operational profiles for a marine diesel engine, including clarifications of engine test cycles; and 
  2. draft amendments to the NOx Technical Code 2008 on certification of an engine subject to substantial modification.

In the context of the Arctic, you prepared:

  1. draft guidance on best practice on recommendatory goal based control measures, which is an important step towards reducing the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon emissions from international shipping;
  2. draft guidelines on recommendatory Black Carbon emission measurement, monitoring and reporting; and
  3. draft guidelines on mitigation measures to reduce risks of use and carriage for use of heavy fuel oil as fuel by ships in Arctic waters.

These accomplishments underscore the spirit of cooperation among all delegates, and I thank you for your commitment and support to the work of the Organization.

Special thanks are due to the Chair, Dr. Flavio da Costa Fernandes of Brazil. Mr. Chair, during your tenure you have steered the Sub-Committee through some very challenging subjects and times. Your positivity and patience have been instrumental in steering the Sub-Committee towards success over the last five sessions. Flavio, you have served the Sub Committee with distinction and flair and it has been a pleasure to see you at work. 

I would also like to thank your Vice-Chair, Dr. Anita Mäkinen, for her tireless support and congratulate her on her election as Chair of the Sub-Committee for 2025.  

My sincere thanks also go to the Chairs of the Working and Drafting Groups convened during this session, namely:

  • Dr. Sarah Bailey of Canada;
  • Mr. Ole Kristian Bjerkemo of Norway;
  • Dr. Camille Lacroix of France;
  • Mr. Wayne Lundy of the United States;
  • Dr. Susumu Ota of Japan; and
  • Ms. Annalisse Skelton of Australia.

My appreciation extends to the coordinators of the correspondence groups that reported to this session and to the ESPH Technical Group for progressing the important work under its purview efficiently and smoothly. 

I am grateful for the efforts of the Marine Environment Division who led the preparations for this meeting and for the dedication of all the staff of the Secretariat, who work tirelessly to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations. I also take this opportunity to express my thanks to the interpreters, whose are key to facilitating our seamless communication during our meeting.

I also wish to welcome Ms. Stephanie Janneh of Togo as our incoming Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee for 2025.

Before I close, I have been informed that this is the last PPR meeting for Mr. Richard Payne of EUROMOT before he retires. Richard has been attending IMO meetings since the early nineteen nineties and his contribution to the work of the Organization is highly appreciated. Richard, we would like to wish you well in your retirement and your future endeavours.

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates,

I wish you all a pleasant weekend and a safe journey to your destinations. 

Thank you.