Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 10) - Closing remarks


Delivered on behalf of the IMO Secretary-General by Mr. Hiroyuki Yamada, Director, Maritime Safety Division, IMO on 8 March 2024

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates and observers,

As we are approaching the end of the tenth session of the Sub Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment, I think we can all agree that it has been an exceptionally busy meeting with a number of complex technical issues on its agenda, under significant time pressure. 

The Sub-Committee managed to progress many agenda items, which is commendable. I would like to mention a few noteworthy achievements:

  • Finalization of the draft amendments to the HSC Codes to harmonize the lifejacket carriage requirements therein with SOLAS chapter III; 

and significant progress made on: 

  • Revision of SOLAS chapter III and the LSA Code; 
  • Development of amendments to SOLAS chapter II-2 and the FSS Code concerning containership fires;  
  • Evaluation of measures to reduce the fire risk of ships carrying new energy vehicles; and
  • Comprehensive review of resolution MSC.402(96) to address challenges with their implementation.

All this has been achieved under the skillful pilotage of your Chair, Mr. Umut Şentürk of Türkiye, supported by your Vice Chair, Mr. Cristiano Aliperta of Palau, and of course with the help of all of the delegates, in responding to the Chair's request for assistance by keeping your interventions short and concise. 

I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the Chairs of the working and drafting groups that met during the meeting:

  • Mr. Grills (United States)
  • Mr. Tosseviken (Norway)
  • Mr. Mohla (GlobalMET)

Thanks also go to the coordinators of the correspondence groups for their commitment to progress the Sub Committee's work and, most importantly, to achieve consensus decisions. Your Sub-Committee has set standards for important aspects related to ship systems and equipment, which are contributing to IMO and navigating future towards a safer shipping.

I thank the dedicated staff in the Maritime Safety Division, particularly the Sub-division for Marine Technology and Cargoes, who led the preparation of this meeting and also to all of the dedicated staff of the Secretariat, who worked tirelessly to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations. My thanks also go to the interpreters, who greatly facilitated our communication, and to all our colleagues the Conference Division, in particular those in the Documents and Meeting Services Sections and the translators.  All of them work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide the required professional support.

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates,

It is customary at this stage of the meeting to pay tribute to the delegates and observers who have left or are about to leave, for a variety of reasons. In saying our farewells, we thank them sincerely for their valuable contribution to the work of the Sub-Committee and IMO and wish them well. 

It is with heavy hearts that we pay tribute to the passing of Mr. Jaideep Sirkar, a dedicated and hardworking member of the IMO family. Jaideep's thoughtful insights, and passion for excellence consistently inspired us all. Jaideep's presence will be deeply missed, not only for his professional contributions to the Organization but also for the kindness and warmth he extended to everyone around him. 

I would also like to reflect on the remarkable career of Mr. Joseph Westwood-Booth, the esteemed former senior Deputy Director of the Maritime Safety Division, who retired at the end of last year, 2023. He exemplified unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and a profound commitment to advancing maritime safety initiatives globally. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for his years of service and wish him a fulfilling and joyous retirement.

Finally I would like to thank again our Chair for chairing SSE successfully for the past four years. I wish you the best for your future endeavours.

It now only remains for me to wish you all an enjoyable and very well-deserved weekend.
