Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 10) - Opening remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 4 March 2024

Good morning distinguished delegates, 

I am very pleased to welcome you all to the tenth session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment. 

The SSE Sub-Committee is the technical body tasked primarily to ensure fire safety of ships and their crews and passengers, as well as providing the regulatory basis for adequate life-saving appliances. Thus, these safety-relevant topics are key to the mission of this Organization. It is therefore crucial that the shipping world turn to, and rely on, your expertise to ensure the IMO regulatory framework is fit for purpose and that ships are equipped with robust, modern and sophisticated equipment and systems that would save lives at sea and even in port.

In view of the situation in the Red Sea, I want to urge for the immediate release of the Galaxy Leader and its crew.

The first impact of this crisis, before it has an impact on trade, falls on seafarers. It is the responsibility of this Organization and its Member States to protect all seafarers.

I reiterate my firm belief that the exercise of navigational rights and freedom by merchant vessels must be respected. I join the calls for caution and restraint to avoid further escalation of the situation. 

The recent sinking of the vessel Rubymar represents an additional risk for the environment and maritime security. We are in contact with the Government of Yemen and other UN organizations to provide necessary assistance. 

IMO will continue to contribute to enhancing the safety of seafarers and transit of vessels of all States through the Red Sea and will closely monitor the situation, in collaboration with Member States and partners from the industry.

This year’s World Maritime theme is: "Navigating the future: safety first!". This theme is a pledge to uphold the highest standards of safety in every aspect of this Organization’s regulatory work while facing the challenges of a fast-changing world.

Your Sub-Committee has, as usual, an ambitious agenda and you are expected to commence six new agenda items on important matters for which the sector is expecting tangible solutions.  

With respect to fire safety, you will continue your deliberations on addressing containership fires following the meeting of the Experts Group on Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) back in October last year and start discussions on prevention and extinction of fires on board ships that carry electric vehicles.

Among the issues you will discuss with respect to life-saving appliances, is the revision of SOLAS chapter III and the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code following the second intersessional working group on that matter, as well as the revision of requirements for servicing lifeboats and rescue boats, and their launching appliances under a new dedicated output.

I am confident that with the IMO's customary spirit of cooperation and under the capable leadership of your experienced Chair, Mr. Umut Senturk, of Türkiye, supported by the Vice Chair, Mr. Cristiano Aliperta, of Palau, you will engage in constructive discussions and reach agreement on the matters before you. 

Before I close my remarks, I would like to say that this year’s International Women’s Day falls on the week of your meeting, on Friday, 8 March. To mark the day, we will be hosting a discussion with the theme “Invest in Women” with illustrious speakers from the maritime community on Thursday, 7 March at 10.30 a.m. in the Main Hall. I hope you all will be able to join us to embrace the spirit of advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women.

My best wishes to you all for a productive session and I invite you all to join me and the Secretariat at the welcome reception in the Delegates' Lounge after the close of today's business.

Thank you.
