Symposium - Maritime cyber security and resilience


Symposium on "Maritime cyber security and resilience”

The International Maritime Organization and the University of Plymouth’s Cyber-SHIP Lab jointly organize a Symposium on "Maritime cyber security and resilience”. The Symposium will share the latest international maritime cyber risk evaluation and mitigation research and explore how governments, industry, researchers, and NGOs can collaborate to build international maritime supply chain cyber resilience. Industry and academic expert speakers will address topics across ship, port, and maritime supply chain cyber security, including cyber security and safety of assets and people, new technologies, policy development and mariner training.

A summary of the Symposium is available to read here.

Date: 1 and 2 November 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm

Location: IMO Headquarters, London

For more details, please see Circular Letter No.4739.

Please find the photos of the event here

Programme - Symposium on "Maritime cyber security and resilience”

Please find the programme here.

The programme includes sessions on:

Day 1, Actional research outputs

  • Session 1: Opening session

  • Session 2: Incident reporting and future research

  • Session 3: Roadmaps and models

  • Session 4: Platforms and capabilities

Day 2, Industry-focused knowledge sharing

  • Session 5: Opening session

  • Session 6: Increasing cyber resilience

  • Session 7: Governance and regulation

  • Session 8: Cyber consequences


The Cyber-SHIP Lab is the University of Plymouth Maritime Cyber Threats Research Group’s unique hardware-based maritime cyber-physical testbed facility. The Symposium is the third Cyber-SHIP Lab annual symposium and its second year hosted by IMO. It will build on the success of the 2021 and 2022 symposia that attracted an exceptionally wide range of expert international speakers and delegates.