Technical Cooperation Committee (TC), 73rd session, 16-19 October 2023

The "All Hands on Deck" technical cooperation brochure was launched during the Technical Cooperation Committee meeting. Read more here.  

ITCP for 2024-2025 approved

The Committee approved the Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP) for 2024 and 2025, including the core activities planned under regional and global programmes, subject to adequate funding estimated at approximately $28.4 million. The ITCP fosters capacity-building in the maritime domain of the recipient countries, thereby augmenting the level of implementation and compliance with IMO's international multilateral and shipping-related treaties and supports IMO Member States in fulfilling their obligations emanating from those instruments.

The Committee urged Member States and shipping industry stakeholders to make financial and/or in-kind contributions which would be needed for the delivery of the proposed programme.

The Committee noted that the proposed activities for each of the programmes to be implemented in 2024 and 2025 outlined a realistic and feasible programme of assistance, taking into account IMO's technical cooperation thematic priorities and the identified needs of the Member State developing countries, while also taking into consideration the interests of development partners.

The Committee was advised that the Secretary-General had recommended the allocation of £10.8 million from the surplus of the Trading Fund to the TC Fund for 2024 and 2025.  Based on the rate of exchange of $1.25 to £1. The TC Fund allocation amounted to $13.4 million. The Committee noted that the TC Fund allocation was configured based on certain prioritization criteria under the respective regional and global programmes, taking into consideration the emerging needs of Member States regarding technical assistance and other priorities, such as the 2030 Agenda, with particular attention to the needs of developing countries, especially SIDS and LDCs in the regions.

The overall allocation of $13.4 million would cover 47% of the total ITCP requirement. The Secretariat will engage with donors and other technical cooperation partners to mobilize and secure additional resources for the remaining ITCP activities to be delivered in 2024 and 2025.

Technical Cooperation Annual Report for 2022 endorsed

The Committee endorsed the Annual Report for 2022, which contains information on the technical cooperation activities implemented under the ITCP and thematic long-term projects during 2022. The Committee was informed that the ITCP implementation during 2022 showed a gradual but steady return to pre-COVID-19 pandemic implementation levels, with 70% of planned activities delivered through remote and in-person delivery methods.

This comprised of 181 activities, including inter alia, eight advisory and needs assessment missions and 87 training courses held at national, regional and global levels. The training events covered a wide range of topics resulting in the training of approximately 2,028 participants worldwide. In addition, 243 participants received fellowships to study at the World Maritime University (WMU), the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) and other maritime training institutions. Furthermore, 472 officials attended events aimed at developing and harmonizing regional strategies on maritime technical issues.

The Committee noted that the participation of women in senior official activities and fellowships was 38% and 57% respectively, demonstrating that there was still an opportunity to improve the support and inclusion of women in all maritime activities, in particular in training events, which had 28% female attendance.

The total expenditure on technical cooperation activities in 2022 reached approximately $17.7 million, representing a financial delivery rate of 57%. Expenditure on ITCP activities and major projects came from 27 sources of funding. The Technical Cooperation (TC) Fund provided $7 million, representing 40% of the overall total funds expended.

The Committee was informed that, during the period 1 January to 31 December 2022, the total contributions received towards technical cooperation activities amounted to $12,547,799.

Capacity Building Decade 2021-2030 Strategy

The Committee was updated on the development of the work plan for the Capacity-Building Decade 2021-2030 Strategy, as well as major deliverables since the last session to implement the Strategy. Member States were invited to participate in finalizing the work plan to ensure it is fit for purpose and would achieve the Strategy's overarching outcome of enhancing maritime development for Member States.

Furthermore, the Committee agreed to review the Strategy by merging it with the Strategy for the long-term financing of the ITCP and the Strategy for resource mobilization for IMO's technical cooperation activities to form one comprehensive capacity development strategy. The Committee will consider the draft new comprehensive strategy during its seventy-fourth session in 2024.

Supporting training through e-learning courses

The Committee noted information on the development of e-learning courses within the framework of the Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme. 

E-learning courses have been and are being developed by the Secretariat, in collaboration with various stakeholders and partners, in particular the World Maritime University (WMU). They aim to supplement the delivery of in‑person technical cooperation activities, enhance the capacity‑building activities of the Organization and help serve the global maritime industry more efficiently. The aim is to expand the portfolio for the benefit of the maritime community at large.  (Visit the IMO e-learning platform here.)

Resource mobilization and partnerships

The Committee noted progress made in mobilizing resources for a range of thematic long-term TC projects. (see more below and read more on projects here).

Resource mobilization

The Committee noted that a total amount of $78 million was pledged and contributed by donors since the last session of the Committee to support the technical cooperation work of IMO in terms of thematic projects.

Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres Network (GMN) Phase II: $10,787,487. The European Commission has pledged a further €10 million to support GMN Phase II from 2023 to 2027. The focus will be on scaling up the work of the regional Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs), with an emphasis on facilitating the introduction of portside energy efficiency measures and technologies, as well as retrofitting domestic vessels through pilot demonstrations.

Innovation Forum: $455,000. Norway has pledged a contribution to fund the third and fourth innovation forums – Innovation Forum 2023 and Innovation Forum 2024. The IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum provides a global platform aimed at championing and promoting innovations to accelerate the transition of the marine sector towards a zero- and near zero emission future and focuses on addressing the specific needs of developing countries, especially SIDS and LDCs.

Blue-Solutions: $17,000,000. The full-size project document for the Blue Solutions project was submitted for approval to the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU), after successful conclusion of the preparatory phase funded by Germany. The full-size project, once approved, will target reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) and other pollutant emissions from ships within ports, and from hinterland transport through energy efficiency improvements, optimized processes and innovative technologies (blue solutions).

IMO CARES: $1.6 million. The IMO Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping (IMO CARES) project is funded by Saudi Arabia. It aims to connect the global north and south by providing a global cooperation and collaboration platform that supports the development and uptake of energy efficiency technologies. The IMO CARES project has completed a year-long preparatory phase and has now received a further round of funding from Saudi Arabia which enabled the initiative to move to a full-scale implementation phase, which commenced on 1 April 2023. The IMO CARES project aims to achieve its first-year objectives through technology needs assessments for developing regions and global technology challenge activities designed to find appropriate solutions through research and networking events.

IMO-Republic of Korea SMART-C programme: $20 million. IMO and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea signed a Letter of Intent on 16 December 2022 for the establishment of an IMO-Republic of Korea Sustainable Maritime Transport Cooperation (SMART-C) Programme, under which it is agreed that a list of long-term project/activities shall be agreed between the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and IMO. The Letter of Intent will later be superseded by a framework agreement once signed. This is the first Official Development Assistance (ODA) that IMO receives for the implementation of thematic long-term projects. The Republic of Korea has pledged KRW 25.5 billion (approximately $20 million) for the following five projects:

SMART-C RegLitter – Regional Litter Project (2023-2027). The objective of the project is to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter from sea-based sources. It will build on the work implemented under the GloLitter Partnerships Project with further expansion of the activities in Asia and possibly other regions in future.

SMART-C Women – Strengthening Women's Competencies in the Sustainable Maritime Transport Sector through upgrading skills related to Maritime Digitalization and Marine Environmental Protection (2023-2026). The goal of the project is to contribute to the achievement of gender equality through the increase of employment opportunities for women in the maritime sector in developing countries, and the provision of training to help them advance their career in related industries. Specifically, the project will help beneficiaries to acquire new educational qualifications that will strengthen their competencies in environmental and digital technologies and prepare them for these emerging opportunities within the maritime sector.

SMART-C Traffic – Development of a SMART- Maritime Traffic Management System and Improvement of Related Operational Capability in a Pilot Developing Country (the Philippines) (2023‑2026). The goal of the project is to develop, operate and pilot trial a web-based e-Navigation service that can efficiently analyse and manage maritime safety information in an internet-based environment.

SMART-C GHG Cooperation – Development of a Cooperative Model to Reduce GHG emissions from Ships (2023-2027). The goal of the project is to support developing countries in decarbonizing the shipping sector by establishing a management and analysis system for GHG emission data of ships, supporting the efforts to access decarbonization technologies and supporting the responses to GHG regulations.

SMART-C Leaders – Capacity-Building on Implementation of IMO Conventions and Professional Training for International Maritime Leaders (2023-2027). The goal of the project is to improve the Pacific SIDS' capacity in ship inspection/Port State Control (PSC)/Flag State Inspection (FSI) and help the country's implementation of the corrective action plan (CAP) established after its audit under the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

GreenVoyage2050: $164,274. The GreenVoyage2050 Project, supported by Norway ($7 million), has played an instrumental role globally in supporting developing countries, including SIDS, to progress with the implementation of the IMO GHG Strategy. Recognizing the importance of this project, the Government of Finland pledged to contribute €150,000 in order to support further regional SIDS specific activities under the GreenVoyage2050 Project, and a Letter of Agreement formalizing this contribution was signed on 21 June 2023. On 28 September 2023, Norway signed an agreement for annual contributions from 2024 to 2030, totalling some $19 million to support phase II of the GreenVoyage2050 project.

GloFouling Partnerships, GloLitter Partnerships and GloNoise Partnerships: $163,500. Saudi Arabia has pledged $54,500 to support each of the three projects.

Plastic Reduction in the Oceans: Sustaining and Enhancing Actions on Sea-based Sources (PRO-SEAS): $8,000,000. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved the preparatory phase of a new project. The project funded by GEF with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as implementing agency and IMO as executing agency, will address the sea-based marine plastic litter (SBMPL) problem from the shipping and fishing sectors through developing transformative long-term solutions. Key project components are: (1) Strengthening national legal, policy and institutional frameworks; (2) Improving systems, facilities, tools and information to effectively manage SBMPL; (3) Developing incentives for environmentally sound disposal of SBMPL; and (4) Increasing knowledge of solutions to reduce SBMPL. The project has a global scope but will also engage with several countries during the project preparation phase (preparatory phase to be completed within 12 months from July 2023).

Future Fuels and Technology for Low- and Zero-carbon Shipping project (FFT Project): $1,200,000. The Republic of Korea pledged $1,200,000 for an initial period up to 2025 (2022-2025) through the Voyage Together Trust Fund to fund the new IMO Inclusive Transition to Alternative Low-Carbon Fuels Project with an expectation of additional funding beyond 2025. Total budget of this project (2022-2025) and an additional funding beyond 2023 are to be determined in coordination between the Republic of Korea and the Secretariat, in consideration of executing the existing project. The IMO GHG TC Trust Fund will complement the project, as appropriate.

The Committee also noted that the total portfolio of the long-term thematic project reached $141 million as of 19 October 2023.

Partnership arrangements

The Committee noted that, as of October 2023, there were 128 operational partnerships, an increase from the 97 reported to 72nd session of the Technical Cooperation Committee in 2022. Of these 128 partnerships, 30 were one-off financial support attracting a total amount of $6,287,642; 85 were financial and in-kind support which consist of cash supplements, not accounted through IMO, no fee experts or free of cost experts, hosting of technical assistance events, IMO Regional Presence and establishment of activity or response centres; and 13 were implementing partnership agreements (IPAs).

The Committee was informed that the outcomes achieved through partnership arrangements contributed substantially to the effective delivery of technical cooperation activities. The Committee also noted that the Secretariat would continue its efforts to identify and conclude new arrangements with governments, international and regional organizations and industry, with a view to securing further funding and obtaining in-kind support to promote regional implementation of the ITCP.

Financial Contribution to Technical Cooperation

The Committee noted the total amount of $12,547,799 was received towards the sustainable financing of the TC during the period of 1 January to 31 December 2022 as follows:

  1. A total amount of $316,844 had been received under new financial arrangements established in 2022 to support ITCP
  2. A total amount of $1,252,078 had been received under existing partnership arrangements to support ITCP
  3. A total amount of $9,353,217 had been received to support long-term extrabudgetary thematic projects;
  4. A total amount of $1,370,684 had been received to support the activities of the multi-donor trust funds (MDTF);
  5. A total amount of $249,566 in cash contributions and $5,410 in voluntary donations of interest earning under the Contributions Incentive Scheme (CIS).

Global onboard training (GOBT) programme

The Committee noted information on the Global onboard training (GOBT) programme delivered in 2022 through a joint technical cooperation activity with IMO and the Republic of Korea. The objective of the GOBT programme is to provide an opportunity for onboard training to the cadets of maritime academies or colleges.

The invited countries vary every year; following Southeast Asia in 2021 and Latin America in 2022, this year, the Republic of Korea has selected 15 cadets from Africa and Eastern Europe  to take part  in the month-long programme  starting on 1 November.  The programme consists of five days of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Basic Safety Training Course, green ship engine simulator training, Korean cultural experience programme, global maritime leadership programme, maritime English, a cross-cultural exchange programme, 21 days of on board  m/v Hanwoori, sailing  in coastal waters.

The Committee encouraged support for women in maritime initiatives with more opportunities for female seafarers by allocating additional berths for female cadets.

Women in maritime programme

The Committee was updated on the latest activities delivered through IMO's Women in Maritime programme, as part of IMO's efforts to enhance the participation of women in maritime and the sector's efforts towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 5.

Activities delivered through IMO's Women in Maritime Programme in 2022 included  the celebration of the first International Day for Women in Maritime and the publishing of the IMO-WISTA International Women in Maritime survey report, containing information about the proportion and distribution of women working in the maritime sector, based on information provided by IMO Member States and the maritime industry; as well as the launch of the Maritime Speakers Bureau, a platform to connect sector conference organizers and female maritime experts in a variety of fields globally, with the aim of promoting women's voices in the shipping industry and increasing their visibility.

The International Day for Women in Maritime in 2023 was marked with a conference held under the theme "Mobilizing networks for gender equality". (Read more here.)

Global strategy for the IMO Women in Maritime Associations

The Committee approved the Global strategy for the IMO Women in Maritime Associations. The  strategy was developed in consultation with representatives from all eight WIMAs, with the aim of aligning the work and objectives of the regional associations established under the IMO umbrella and addressing Sustainable Development Goal 5 through a coordinated approach at the national, regional and global level to attain the further incorporation of women into the maritime industry, aid in the development of their careers, support their growth into leadership roles, and create a more diverse and inclusive work culture in the maritime sector.

Regional presence

The Committee noted and acknowledged, as part of the post COVID-19 recovery process, the combined delivery of some 107 activities implemented by the network of IMO Regional Presence Offices in 2022, including support to the implementation of IMO's Women in Maritime programme.

The Committee expressed its appreciation to the host governments of IMO Regional Presence Offices, namely Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, the Philippines, and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the Pacific Community for supporting the Scheme.

A new Regional Presence Office (RPO) for IMO in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in Alexandria, Egypt is set to open by the end of the year, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (in July 2023) between IMO and Egypt. 

ITCP 2024-2025 Global and Regional Programmes

ITCP programmes to be implemented in 2024-2025 are listed below.

  • Global programme 1 – Technical advisory services, including immediate response to maritime incidents.
  • Global programme 2 – Support to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for their special shipping needs.
  • Global programme 3 – Women in Maritime.
  • Global programme 4 – Capacity-building and training.
  • Global programme 5 – Supporting climate action and clean air in shipping.
  • Global programme 6 – Enhancement of maritime security.
  • Global programme 7 – IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

IMO's regional programmes will cover the 20 thematic priorities of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), Facilitation Committee (FAL) and Legal Committee (LEG).