Funding is being released to develop detailed technical proposals to help accelerate decarbonisation of selected domestic vessels and ports in Africa and the Caribbean, as part of the Maritime Technology Global Challenge, under the IMO CARES (Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping) project. 

The IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge was launched in November 2023 to identify technology solutions to accelerate decarbonisation in domestic shipping and ports in target regions. 

A judging panel recommended three specific solutions, wind turbines, shore to ship power supply and port call data sharing, for development into detailed technical proposals and possible demonstration in four target countries (Namibia, Mauritius, St Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and Tobago). The final choice of solutions was made by the governments of these countries, taking into consideration their needs and the technical specifications of selected ports and vessels. 

Anton Rhodes, IMO CARES Project Manager said "Combating climate change through emission reduction requires dedicated effort at every port and for even the smallest vessels thorughout the world. It is vital to support developing countries, in particular the small island developing states and least developed countries, in this journey and to help facilitate access to technologies". 

A total of 21 companies from across the globe entered their solutions into the IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge. Given the technology-neutral nature of the contest, entries spanned the technology spectrum, ranging from wind turbines and kites; carbon capture, artificial intelligence and data sharing systems; to hull coatings and fuel emulsifiers.

The judging panel, which included government representatives from the beneficiary countries, academia, industry associations and Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs), assessed the technologies against a set of common criteria focused on the needs of domestic shipping and ports in all four countries. The IMO CARES Project played the role of neutral facilitator for the Global Challenge.

Funding will now be provided to help develop the proposed solutions into in-depth technical proposals with guidance from the regional MTCCs in Africa and the Caribbean. The IMO CARES project is funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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