24 December 2014

Year in review 2014

Click here for highlights of IMO's activities in 2014. From maritime safety to environment, seafarer welfare, campaigns and beyond.
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18 December 2014

Maritime security in Ghana

An IMO team is in Accra, Ghana, to provide technical assistance for the development of a comprehensive national maritime security strategy for the Government of Ghana (15-19 December), following a series of table top exercises in the country since 2012. Click here to read more about the IMO Strategy for implementing sustainable maritime security measures in West and Central Africa.
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17 December 2014

Oil spill response in Southeast Asia

Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
have come together at the Global Initiative South East Asia (GI-SEA)
regional meeting to discuss and develop an action plan for the
implementation of the ASEAN Oil Spill Response Action Plan MoU. IMO’s
Colleen O'Hagan is in attendance at the meeting, which is being hosted
by the Marine Department of the Government of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia (17-19 December).  (click to read more)
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17 December 2014

Capacity-building in Africa

IMO’s regional co-ordinators for Africa, together with London-based IMO officials, are in Nairobi, Kenya, this week (December 15-19) for their 6th bi-annual meeting to review implementation of the Organization’s Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme. A special session was held with Honourable Yusuf Moalim Amin, Minister of Transport of Somalia, to discuss IMO's continuing technical assistance to the Somalis for the establishment of a National Maritime Administration.
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16 December 2014

Security drills in Hong Kong, China

A four-day national workshop on maritime security drills and exercise is being conducted (16-19 December) in Hong Kong, China, under IMO’s Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP), in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Marine Department of the Government of the Hong-Kong, China Special Administrative Region.

(click to read more)
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15 December 2014

IMO publications featured in China

IMO Publishing have been promoting its titles and digital products at this year INMEX China exhibition in Guangzhou (10-12 December). New publications featured included the new Consolidated SOLAS 20014, the new IMDG Code 2014 and the latest version the IMO-Vega V.19 database.
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11 December 2014

Certifying ballast treatment systems

The certification of ballast water treatment systems is on the agenda at the 6th GloBal TestNet Forum, hosted by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in Plymouth, UK (9-11 December). This 6th Forum is the first independent meeting organized by the GloBal TestNet group, which was initiated by the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloBallast Partnerships Programme under its Global Industry Alliance (GIA) 6 years ago. (click to read more)
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11 December 2014

Protecting Viet Nam seas

A national workshop on Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas is being held in Ha Noi, Viet Nam (11-12 December), jointly organized by IMO and the Viet Nam Maritime Administration (VINAMARINE) with financial assistance from IMO’s Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP). 
The workshop aims to provide a deep understanding of IMO tools to protect the marine environment of Viet Nam, with particular emphasis on PSSAs. (click to read more)
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10 December 2014

Thinking business, thinking climate

IMO is continuing its participation in the UN Climate Change
Conference COP20 (1-12 December) in
Lima, Peru. In a side event organized by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy
and Buildings, IMO’s Edmund Hughes is contributing to a discussion on the theme
of 'International shipping: thinking business - thinking climate' (10 December). (click to read more)
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