21 December 2015

Maritime security workshop in Chile

A national workshop on advanced port security drills and exercises has taken place in Valparaiso, Chile (15-18 December). Port security, coast guard, navy and police officials took part in simulated security exercises in order to test skills and knowledge gained in theoretical lessons, discussions and group work. The aim was to equip participants for future planning, conduct and evaluation of security exercises, in order to improve the implementation of IMO maritime security measures such as SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS Code). more...
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15 December 2015

IMO at G7 maritime security meeting

IMO participated in a high-level meeting on maritime security under the auspices of the G7 in Berlin, Germany (14 December). The G7 meeting on “Enhancing Maritime Security – Connecting Regions – Governing the Commons” focused on maritime domain awareness and surveillance; peaceful dispute settlement; illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing; and networking maritime security. more... 
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15 December 2015

Bangladesh ship recycling project making progress

IMO’s project to improve safety and environmental standards in Bangladesh’s ship-recycling industry is making good progress, according to the project’s governing bodies, which met recently in Dhaka, Bangladesh (13 December). The safe and environmentally sound ship recycling in Bangladesh (SENSREC) project is executed and implemented by IMO and funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). more...
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11 December 2015

Cambodia discusses national maritime transport policy

A national seminar and workshop focusing on the development, adoption and review of national maritime transport policies have been held in in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (8-11 December). The seminar was delivered by two World Maritime University professors, supported by IMO staff. Prior to the seminar, the WMU/IMO team met Mr Tram Iv Tek, Minister of Public Works and Transport of Cambodia. more...
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10 December 2015

Conference discusses legal issues of Arctic shipping

The major legal issues of Arctic shipping have been discussed at a conference in
Singapore (9-11 December). A special session on the role of IMO was
chaired by IMO’s Jan de Boer, featuring experts on maritime and
international law, and the polar regions. Other issues discussed
included the role of Arctic States, user States and international
organisations in Arctic shipping governance. IMO’s Polar Code
will enter into force on 1 January 2017, providing for safe ship
operation and environmental protection by addressing the unique risks
present in polar waters. more...
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08 December 2015

​Protecting Indonesia’s sensitive sea area

Indonesia is working towards establishing its first particularly sensitive sea area (PSSA), with assistance from the IMO-Norwegian Development Cooperation Agency (Norad) marine environment project on PSSAs in South East Asia. PSSAs are marine areas that need special protection. more... 
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04 December 2015

IMO urges fishing vessel treaty acceptance

The IMO Assembly has called on Member States to accept the
2012 Cape Town fishing vessel safety agreement, to address the high casualty
rate in the sector. Meeting for its 29th session at
IMO Headquarters in London, United Kingdom (23 November to 2 December), the
Assembly adopted a number of resolutions, including one commending the role of
merchant shipping in rescuing mixed migrants at sea. It adopted the budget and
strategic plan for 2016-2017, endorsed the appointment of Mr. Kitack Lim as
Secretary-General from 1 January 2016 and elected the 40-Member Council. Read the full details here.
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03 December 2015

IMO contributes to emergency preparedness and response meeting

IMO has taken part in a committee of emergency preparedness
and response (EPR) experts in Vienna, Austria (30 November – 2 December). The committee
is tasked with making recommendations on the International Atomic Energy Agency
programme for the development and review of EPR standards. Colleen O’Hagan
outlined IMO’s related activities, focussing on the International Convention
on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation and its Hazardous and
Noxious Substances Protocol.
The meeting was the first of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards
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02 December 2015

Climate change solutions

Climate change experts meeting
in Paris this week will today (2 December) hear about IMO’s extensive efforts
to address GHG emissions from shipping. IMO has adopted the only
global legally-binding energy efficiency measures for an industry sector
that will require ships built in 2025 to be 30% more energy efficient
than those built last year. At a side event on international transport, IMO
will report on its work to support their implementation, particularly in
developing countries. Delegates will hear about the GloMEEP project to promote
partnerships in maritime energy-efficiency technology and other important
initiatives. World leaders are in Paris for the 21st annual Conference of
Parties (COP 21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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