16 December 2016

Emission policies update

An overview of worldwide emission control policies and technologies has been presented at an international workshop in Hong Kong, China (14 to 16 December 2016). IMO’s Heike Deggim outlined the current regulations and recent work in the Marine Environment Protection Committee to an audience of government officials, international shipping industry representatives, academics and environmental non-governmental organizations. more...

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16 December 2016

Always prepared to respond

A regional workshop aimed at finalizing guidelines which will provide practical information on responding to significant marine pollution incidents, concluded in Malta this week (14-15 December). The guide also provides a comprehensive overview of the cooperation and mutual assistance in cases of emergency in the Mediterranean region as a whole. The event, organized by REMPEC, gathered representatives of the contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention and other organizations interested in arrangements in the field of oil spill preparedness and response and Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS). IMO was represented by Colleen O’Hagan.

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16 December 2016

Translators on board

As the global regulatory body for international shipping, IMO has developed and adopted more than 50 international conventions and protocols, supported by more than 1,000 codes and recommendations. For these instruments to be properly understood and implemented globally, the Organization’s Member States rely on swift and accurate translation of the great volume of technical documents, particularly in IMO’s three working languages – English, French and Spanish. With this in mind, IMO translators have been given first-hand experience of facilities and vessels at the Port of Barcelona, Spain (12-14 December). more...

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16 December 2016

Port State control for a clean marine environment

IMO’s latest efforts to support countries to implement air pollution and energy efficiency measures for ships were underway at a workshop in Hangzou, China this week (12-14 December). The regional event involved Port State Control Officers responsible for inspection and enforcement of the rules in IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI treaty. Thirty participants from countries that have signed up to the Tokyo MoU on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific took part in the training – the first exercise of its kind to be carried out under IMO’s GloMEEP project. more...

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16 December 2016

Fishing vessel safety moves

A regional seminar for the Africa Francophone region has provided the knowledge and information countries may need to ratify and implement the IMO Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety. This key treaty sets international standards for the safety of fishing vessels. The instrument is important because currently there is no international regime in force covering fishing vessel safety, including construction, life-saving appliances and other essential safety measures. more...

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15 December 2016

Policy and strategy for energy efficiency

An energy efficiency workshop for Pacific Island countries and territories has been held in Port Vila, Vanuatu (12-14 December). The event helped participants gain knowledge and tools to develop national strategies and clear policies to improve energy efficiency in maritime and port infrastructures, to use alternative and cleaner fuels and to increase awareness of energy-efficiency measures. The workshop was delivered by the Pacific Community (SPC), in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and was funded by IMO. more...

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15 December 2016

Myanmar accedes to oil pollution treaty

Myanmar has become the 111th State to accede to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC). The IMO treaty establishes measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in cooperation with other countries. Mr. Kyaw Htin Lin, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Myanmar in the United Kingdom, deposited the instrument at IMO Headquarters in London, today (15 December).

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14 December 2016

Countering maritime terrorism

A seminar looking at maritime security issues ranging from cyber security on board ships to piracy and illegal maritime activities concluded in Copenhagen (12-13 December). IMO`s Chris Trelawny chaired a panel on maritime terrorism, exploring how the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), could support actions against illegal maritime activities. more...

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