22 December 2021

Implementing electronic data exchange – new data model published

The latest version of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Data Model (version 3.11.0) includes a new Message Implementation Guide (MIG), providing practical guidance for implementing part of the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic business. 

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14 December 2021

Making polar operations safer

IMO has completed the latest in a series of four eLearning/virtual regional train-the-trainer workshops for seafarers on ships operating in polar waters. 

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14 December 2021

Onboard training for cadets from Asia and Pacific countries

Ten cadets from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are enjoying onboard training on the Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology (KIMFT) training ship, Hanwoori.

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14 December 2021

Financial boost for IMO’s technical cooperation work

Cyprus has made a contribution of 20,000 Euros to IMO's Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP). Under the ITCP, developing countries are supported to improve their ability to comply with international rules and standards.

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03 December 2021

Enhancing safety and energy efficiency of domestic passenger ships in Philippines

A year-long US$354,250 project to support the Philippines to enhance the safety and energy efficiency of its domestic ferry operations has kicked off with a virtual meeting.

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29 November 2021

Pollution preparedness in Central and Eastern Mediterranean

A series of three workshops to help prepare countries in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean to respond to pollution incidents has been completed, with a final online workshop (23 November).

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25 November 2021

Promoting a whole of government approach to maritime security

A regional workshop in Djibouti has promoted IMO's whole of government approach to maritime security in the western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden area. The event (22-25 November) was attended by 23 senior government officials from 11 Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC) signatory States at the Djibouti Regional Training Centre. 

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24 November 2021

IMO appoints Special Advisor on Maritime Security

The IMO Secretary-General has appointed Mr. Peter Adams, Head, Maritime Security, Maritime Safety Division, as "Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on Maritime Security". IMO has within its mandate to make trade and travel by sea as safe and secure as possible.

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19 November 2021

Raising awareness of maritime transport policies

IMO, WMU and IMLI have raised awareness of key issues in maritime transport policy through a webinar for IMLI students held from 15-19 November 2021.

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