20 December 2022

Joint ILO-IMO meeting adopts guidelines on seafarer abandonment

New measures to improve conditions for seafarers, including those who have been abandoned, have been adopted at a meeting involving governments and maritime workers and employers’ organizations. Guidelines on how to deal with seafarer abandonment were adopted by a joint ILO-IMO Tripartite Working Group.

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19 December 2022

Improving ferry safety through virtual reality technology

Virtual reality technology has been introduced into IMO's work to help its Member States to improve domestic ferry safety. During a virtual meeting (13 December) beneficiary Member States Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam were introduced to the technology. The aim is to support administrations in training their personnel using VR technology to enhance the knowledge and skills to ensure domestic passenger ship safety.  

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19 December 2022

Eastern and Southern Africa region discusses Ballast Water Management Convention

Officials from the Eastern and Southern Africa region have taken part in a workshop on compliance, monitoring and enforcement of the BWM Convention. The event enabled discussion about the responsibilities under the Convention of flag, port and coastal States.

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13 December 2022

Video: how biofouling management cuts GHG emissions

new IMO video that highlights the importance of maintaining smooth and clean ships’ hulls free from biofouling has been launched (13 December) at IMO Headquarters. The video explains how reducing and managing biofouling is key to improve fuel efficiency in ships and reduce GHG emissions.

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12 December 2022

Port security training in Lebanon

A Regional Training Course for Port Facility Security Auditors is taking place in Lebanon 12-16 December. The event in Beirut, which is being conducted in Arabic, is designed to build capacity amongst IMO Member States.

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09 December 2022

Support for Angola on maritime security legislation

Training on IMO port security and safety legislation is underway at a workshop in Luanda, Angola (5-9 December). More than 50 Participants from Angola's Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs Authority and other key agencies* are learning how international IMO instruments can be brought into national laws and regulations, with particular emphasis on the legislative drafting process.  

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09 December 2022

Newest group championing women in maritime meets in Senegal

The newest group set up with the support of IMO to champion the place of women in the maritime sector has held its first conference since being inaugurated in Dakar, Senegal. Women in Maritime of West and Central Africa (WIMOWCA) is part of IMO’s Women in Maritime programme. WIMOWCA is the eighth regional body to formed in line with IMO’s strategy of promoting the contribution of women as key maritime stakeholders.  

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09 December 2022

Industry alliance for Marine Biosafety membership tripled since launch

Two companies have become the newest members of The Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety. Armach Robotics is an in-water cleaning service provider, and Jotun manufactures coatings. These additions mean GIA now has 12 full members plus one with observer status.

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09 December 2022

IMO Secretary-General receives new President of the Comité Maritime International

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has received Dr. Ann Fenech, new President of the Comité Maritime International (CMI) at IMO Headquarters (6 December). Mr. Lim and Dr. Fenech, the first female President in the CMI's 125 year history, discussed continued and future collaboration, including on issues such as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and fraudulent vessel registration.

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