
The IMO CARES Project

The IMO CARES website can be found at: IMO Cares

The IMO CARES (Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping) project is funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is focused on the needs of developing countries to meet the IMO Energy Efficiency and IMO GHG Strategy targets and thus help drive the achievement of global GHG emissions reduction.

The project's objective is to accelerate demonstration of green technologies and their deployment globally in a manner that facilitates blue economic growth in developing regions. IMO CARES aims to bring together a wide consortium of stakeholders, including Research and Development Centres (R&D Centres), Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs), private sector and IMO GHG technical cooperation projects. This will allow stakeholders from both the global north and south, and from across different sectors, to collaborate under a single framework leading to demonstration and technology uptake in developing countries. 

Key activities of the IMO CARES Project

  • Maritime Technology Global Challenge: A global challenge with the purpose of identifying technology solutions for demonstration in Africa and Caribbean.

  • Knowledge Network: A stakeholder network focused on supporting the activities of the IMO CARES project.

  • CARES Connects Networking Event: This one-day networking event was designed to foster linkages between donors, recipient countries and technology providers. The event took place on Wednesday 27th September 2023 and the event report can be accessed here: IMO Cares Connects Report.pdf.

  • IMO CARES Technology Report: An overview of the current energy-efficient technologies being deployed in the maritime sector in developing countries.

IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge

The Maritime Technology Global Challenge was launched on 21st July 2023. The launch can be watched here:


The Global Challenge aims to provide decarbonization solutions for ports and/or vessels under 5,000 gt located in Africa and the Caribbean. It is open to technology providers across the world, who can participate in the challenge by submitting information about the benefits of their solutions.

Up to four winners will be selected by the judging panel, which will include academics and representatives from the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) in Africa and the Caribbean. The winning companies will be provided with funding (with USD 30,000 allocated to each of the two regions) to develop full proposals in collaboration with IMO and the partner countries. Funds will also be provided for installation and testing of the technologies in the participating regions.

Timeline of Global Challenge

  • September 2023: Technical details of the Global Challenge are announced via our IMO CARES website. Information will be provided on:
        • The participating countries and participating ports.
        • Technical details of the ports and vessels.
        • The criteria for the concept(s).
        • How the concept(s) should be structured.
  • November 2023: Online Q & A event to address any queries from interested technology providers.
  • November 2023: Submissions will open for the Global Challenge on 22 November 2023 and close on 7 January 2024 (All submissions will be via the IMO CARES website).
  • April 2024: Announcement of winning concepts of the Global Challenge.

For more information on the Project, please contact Mr. Anton Rhodes, IMO CARES’ Project Manager at