Strategy for Long-term Financing of the ITCP
Strategic Objective
Ensure the continued financial viability of the ITCP through core funding and leveraging of external and in-kind support.
- Maintain the Technical Co-operation (TC) Fund as a core fund to support the delivery of the ITCP
- Mobilize external and in-kind support through partnerships with Member States, Organizations and industry
- Involve Members States and stake holders in the resource mobilization process
- Maximize cost-effective delivery
Member States
- Provide financial contributions to the TC Fund and the Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs)
- Provide financial and in-kind support to the ITCP through bi-lateral arrangements
- Draw attention to the linkage between the ITCP and the Milliennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Co-operate with IMO in the development and execution of resource mobilization campaigns
- Draw attention to the importance of the maritime sector to sustainable development
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with IMO
- Draw attention of their membership to the ITCP and IMO's mission
- Assist in the mobilization of resources and expertise of their members to contribute to the ITCP implementation
Maritime industry
- Provide financial contributions to the TC Fund and the MDTFs
- Provide financial and in-kind support to the ITCP through bi-lateral arrangements
IMO Secretariat
- Continue to engage with UN, international and regional organizations in the development and execution by IMO of programmes which address the objectives of IMO
- Engage interested bi-lateral donors to provide funding support to the ITCP
- Encourage synergy between bi-lateral maritime capacity-building programmes and the ITCP
- Engage the private sector through industry NGOs in consultative status with IMO and directly with the appropriate elements of the maritime industry
Cost-effective delivery
IMO Secretariat
- Keep under review the cost of technical assistance delivery
- Introduce cost reduction measures without lowering the quality of services provided
Member States
- Make available qualified experts to provide technical advisory missions at no cost to IMO
- Consider sharing the cost associated with providing assistance when requesting technical advisory assistance and training