Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of media attendance at meetings of IMO Assembly, Council, Committees and their subsidiary bodies 


  1. As a specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO recognizes that media access plays a crucial role in sharing information.
             .1  Accredited media representatives may, in general, attend plenary sessions of the Assembly, Council, committees and sub-committees (full details of how to seek and obtain media accreditation can be found on the IMO website).
  2. In order to achieve the correct balance between publicity on the Organization's work and the proper conduct of meetings of the Assembly, Council, committees and subsidiary bodies, as well as to maintain an environment which will ensure a free and open exchange of views on subjects on the agenda of IMO bodies, it will be expected that:

               .1  media reports accurately reflect the discussions and outcomes of meetings; and

               .2  statements may be quoted; however, individual speakers will not be named without their prior consent.

  3. Assembly, Council, committees, their subsidiary bodies and/or the Organization retain the right to seek rectification of any published inaccuracies.
  4. Recording, filming or photographing of the meeting proceedings without permission will not be allowed.
  5. Assembly, Council, committees or subsidiary bodies may exclude the media from attending some or all of their deliberations if they decide that their presence would:

              .1 breach any undertakings of confidentiality relating to material or information being provided to the Assembly, Council, committee or the subsidiary body concerned;

               .2 create a potential security risk; or

               .3 have a negative impact on the efficient and effective conduct of the meeting's business.

  6. Meetings of working groups and drafting groups established by the Assembly, Council, committees and subsidiary bodies will not be open to media.
  7. All media personnel must go through the IMO media accreditation process and the standard terms and conditions for media attendance at Assembly, Council, committees and subsidiary bodies apply.
  8. IMO reserves the right to deny or withdraw media accreditation if it is put to improper use; if the terms and conditions of attendance have been violated or if personal or public conduct is not consistent with reasonable expectations of media professionals, including on social media. Accurate, factual reporting is not a violation of these terms and conditions and is encouraged.
  9. Filming during Assembly, Council, committees and subsidiary bodies – terms and conditions

  10. All requests to film during Assembly, Council, committees and subsidiary bodies must be supported, in writing or by email, by a national delegation, IGO or NGO in consultative status.
  11. All such requests must be submitted via the IMO media department (media@imo.org) at least two weeks prior to the opening of the meeting in question.
  12. Consideration of such requests will be made by the IMO media department, the executive secretary of the meeting in question and the Secretary-General.
  13. Final permission to film must be given by the meeting delegates at the opening of the meeting.
  14. Filming is permitted in plenary only and sound recording is not permitted. 
  15. Filming should be restricted to general shots of the meeting and not include close-ups of individual delegations unless permission has been sought and given by the delegations concerned.
  16. Filming by live broadcasting, streaming, or through the use of smartphones or other mobile devices to disseminate proceedings of IMO meetings is not permitted, except pursuant to paragraphs 9 to 14.
  17. Film crews (including accompanying journalists or producers) must at all times remain under the supervision of the supporting national delegation, IGO or NGO.
  18. In areas of general access, accredited media may record (audio and visual) interviews and conversations with meeting participants, subject to their prior consent. Filming and photography in the cafeteria is discouraged.
  19. Media wishing to conduct TV "stand-ups", interviews, or general filming outside, but in close proximity to, the IMO building do not need accreditation but are invited to notify IMO's Public Information Service as a courtesy.
  20. The IMO Secretariat reserves the right to withdraw permission to film at any time.