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04 April 2024

IMO announces new group of emerging leaders to join green shipping training programme

Maritime professionals from 14 small island developing states (SIDS) and least developed countries (LDCs) will join IMO’s flagship training programme this year to promote the global transition to net zero shipping. 

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02 April 2024

Future marine fuels and technology - new website launched

Access to latest information on zero and near-zero marine fuels and technologies, including pricing information and the latest research, can be found on 

The website has been developed by the Future Fuels and Technology Project (FFT Project), a partnership project between IMO and the Republic of Korea, supporting the development of new regulation within the possible IMO Net Zero Framework to achieve the targets contained in the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy.

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27 March 2024

Training in Romania prepares countries for mandatory audits

IMO is assisting Member States as some prepare to undergo audits this year under IMO’s Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS). IMSAS requires all Member States to undergo a mandatory audit within the seven-year audit cycle.

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22 March 2024

Inert explosives and firearms training equipment boosts cruise ship security in the Caribbean

Maritime authorities in Antigua and Barbuda are using specialised security test piece equipment as part of an innovative IMO training programme to ensure passenger and baggage security on ships. 

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19 March 2024

IMO on track to adopt mid-term measures to cut emissions from ships

IMO is advancing discussions on legally-binding ‘mid-term’ measures to help the maritime industry achieve net zero shipping, as set out in the 2023 IMO Strategy on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. The measures are scheduled for adoption in late 2025. 

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18 March 2024

Seafarers’ “key worker” critical role in supply chains highlighted at WHO meeting

IMO has participated in the Ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a World Health Organization (WHO) instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response  (18-28 March), which is being held in hybrid format at the WHO headquarters, in Geneva, Switzerland.

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14 March 2024

Malagasy officials bolster skills to fulfil Flag State obligations

Government officials in Madagascar have gained the essential skills and knowledge required to fulfil the duties and obligations of a Flag State.  A team of experts from IMO delivered a national training workshop on Flag State Implementation from 4 to 8 March in the capital Antananarivo. 

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13 March 2024

Strengthening oil spill response in Belize

Oil spill preparedness training is underway at a national workshop in Belmopan, Belize (12-15 March), to help build capacity within the Belize government to deal with any potential oil spill incidents. 

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12 March 2024

Port security audit training for Tunisia

Senior officials from Tunisia have completed training in conducting port facility security audits. The IMO National Training Course for Port Facility Security Auditors, held in Tunis (4-8 March) covered relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter XI-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).

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