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21 February 2024

Mauritius joins IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge

Mauritius has been named as the fourth participating nation in the IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge. The Challenge invites technology providers to propose market ready decarbonisation technologies to reduce GHG emissions from domestic shipping and ports in Africa and the Caribbean. 

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21 February 2024

New global guidelines for medical examination of fishers

A new set of guidelines, agreed jointly by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), will improve the process of undertaking medical examination of fishers worldwide. 

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15 February 2024

Training on control and compliance to enhance maritime security in the United Republic of Tanzania

A workshop taking place in Zanzibar, in the United Republic of Tanzania, aims to develop the capacity of national authorities to carry out effective control and compliance measures on ships to enhance maritime security. 

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14 February 2024

IMO lays groundwork for major review of seafarer training standards

The IMO Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) have agreed on a roadmap for the comprehensive review of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) and the accompanying STCW Code. 

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14 February 2024

Key maritime issues flagged in meetings with European Union

IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez has set out key issues on the IMO agenda in a series of meetings in Brussels, Belgium (13 February), including the presidency of the EU Council, with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

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07 February 2024

Training underway in Mauritius on port facility security assessments

The latest in a series of IMO maritime security workshops is taking place in Port Louis, Mauritius (5-8 February 2024) under the EU-funded project on Port Security and Safety of Navigation in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. The workshop is focusing on Port Facility Security Assessments (PFSAs) – assisting representatives of the Designated Authority on how to divide the port into independent port facilities and conduct a port security assessment through identification of gaps.

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06 February 2024

Nominations open for emerging leaders in green shipping

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is in search of maritime professionals to join a year-long training programme that will enable them to design effective national strategies for maritime decarbonization. The deadline for nominations is 16 February 2024.

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02 February 2024

IMO Secretary-General sets fresh agenda for maritime

IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez shared the Organization’s plans and focus areas for the next four years, with the aim of ensuring safer, more secure and environmentally friendly shipping. 

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30 January 2024

Action plan agreed to reduce underwater noise from ships

The Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) has agreed on an Action Plan to further prevent and reduce underwater radiated noise (URN) from ships. The aim is to minimize the adverse effects of underwater noise on the marine environment, particularly on marine wildlife and indigenous communities.    

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