Où et comment trouver les informations de l'OMI ?
Principales sources d’information de l’OMI
GISIS (Système mondial intégré de renseignements maritimes de l'OMI) |
Publications de l'OMI |
Sélection de sources d'information
Organismes et programmes associés |
Conventions de l'OMI |
Récapitulatif des réunions de l'OMI |
Terminologie de l'OMI - IMOTERM |
Informations sur les États Membres, les Membres associés et leur date d'adhésion, coordonnées des organisations intergouvernementales (OIG) dotées du statut d'observateur et des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) bénéficiant du statut consultatif. |
Rapports sur la piraterie |
L'OMI au sein des Nations Unies
The Convention on the International Maritime Organization was prepared and opened for signature and acceptance by the United Nations Maritime Conference convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 35 (IV). The Conference met at Geneva from 19 February to 6 March 1948.
As a result of the entry into force of the amendments adopted by the IMCO Assembly by its resolutions A.358 (IX) of 14 November 1975 and A.371 (X) of 9 November 1977 [rectification of resolution A.358 (IX) (see chapter XII.1(d)]], the name of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) has been changed to "International Maritime Organization (IMO)" and the title of the Convention modified accordingly.
From: United Nations Treaty Collection [Online] Chapter XII, Navigation